In Infinity Nikki, Socko is a rare crafting material primarily found in Florawish and Breezy Meadow. Despite its name, it's actually an insect, typically found under Woolfruit trees on sunny days. Its elusive nature means limited collection opportunities. To ensure a steady supply, daily visits to all Socko locations are recommended.
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Wishful Aurosa, the game's first Miracle Outfit, requires Socko for crafting.
All Socko Locations in Infinity Nikki
These skittish insects flee at the approach of players; stealth is key. Approach quietly; a pink net and net icon above a Socko indicate it's ready to be caught.
Socko Location #1
Socko Location #3
Socko Location #7
Renting a bike expedites travel to the final two locations.
While the in-game map highlights Socko's general location, remember that they respawn daily at 4:00 AM.