Elden Ring's renowned player, Let Me Solo Her, shifts focus from Malenia to conquer the challenging Shadow of the Erdtree boss, Messmer the Impaler. This celebrated YouTuber, known for assisting countless gamers in defeating Malenia since Elden Ring's 2022 launch, is now lending his expertise to players struggling with the DLC's formidable new adversary.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella, was long considered Elden Ring's most difficult boss. However, Messmer the Impaler, introduced in the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, has quickly rivaled Malenia in difficulty, further complicated by the boss fight's mandatory role in story progression. This has left many players struggling to complete the DLC solo.
Fortunately, Let Me Solo Her (Klein Tsuboi online) is providing assistance. He's recently streamed multiple sessions dedicated to helping players defeat Messmer, following a "Final Malenia soloing stream" that signaled his transition to the new challenge. This shift was anticipated, as Let Me Solo Her had previously hinted at retiring from Malenia assistance in February, prior to the Shadow of the Erdtree release. His latest video, aptly titled "Let me solo him," confirms this focus.
Maintaining his iconic style, Let Me Solo Her tackles Messmer armed with only two katanas, a jar helmet, and a loincloth. This minimalist approach hasn't hampered his effectiveness; he consistently delivers significant damage. The YouTuber's dedication is evident, having reportedly fought Malenia over 6,000 times since Elden Ring's release. His expressed curiosity regarding Messmer and the DLC's difficulty upon the expansion's announcement proved prescient.
The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion's difficulty has sparked criticism from some players, prompting FromSoftware to release an update aimed at improving the overall player experience. Bandai Namco also suggested leveling up the Scadutree Blessing to aid in defeating the new bosses. However, for those still struggling, the prospect of encountering Let Me Solo Her in co-op offers a welcome lifeline against the dreaded Messmer the Impaler.