NetEase Games unveiled their charming life sim, Floatopia, at Gamescom, promising a multi-platform release, including Android, sometime in 2025. This whimsical game features a sky-bound world of islands and unique characters. The trailer depicts a picturesque setting where players farm, fish, and decorate their floating island homes.
A Cute Apocalypse
The game's premise involves a world-ending event, but thankfully, it's more akin to "My Time At Portia" than "Fallout." The setting is a fractured landscape in the sky, inhabited by humans with varied supernatural abilities. Some abilities are more useful than others, leading to some amusing character dynamics. Players discover the hidden potential in seemingly insignificant things.
As the Island Manager, you'll engage in familiar tasks for fans of "Animal Crossing" or "Stardew Valley," such as farming, cloud fishing, and home decoration. However, the floating home allows for exploration and socializing with new characters in exotic locations. Island parties and shared adventures are encouraged, but multiplayer is optional.
The game features a diverse cast of characters with unique quirks, both personality-wise and in terms of their superpowers.
While a precise 2025 release date remains unconfirmed, pre-registration is available on the official website.
For more gaming news, check out the latest on the Dracula Season Event in Storyngton Hall.