Hearthstone's The Great Dark Beyond expansion has arrived, introducing 145 new collectible cards, Starships, and the Draenei! Ready to explore the cosmos? Let's delve into the details.
Introducing the Draenei:
The Draenei, Warcraft lore's "Exiled Ones," are Hearthstone's newest permanent minion type. These cosmic nomads, fleeing the Burning Legion, seek a new home in The Great Dark Beyond. Their abilities often synergize with subsequent Draenei played, creating a powerful, cohesive unit rallied around their leader, Velen.
Starship Combat:
The expansion's core mechanic involves customizable Starships. Collect Starship Pieces, deploy them as minions, and upon their destruction, their stats and effects are absorbed into your Starship, transforming it into a formidable weapon. Each class (Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, and Warlock) receives a unique Starship design. The Exile's Hope offers a neutral location for all classes.
Watch the Announcement Trailer!
More Exciting Features:
The Great Dark Beyond also brings back the Spellburst mechanic and a revamped Rewards Track brimming with rewards. Download Hearthstone from the Google Play Store today!
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