Embark on a whimsical adventure in Sky: Children of the Light's latest season, a collaboration with the beloved Moomins! Beginning October 14th and running until December 29th, this enchanting season introduces Ninny, the Invisible Child, and her heartwarming journey of self-discovery.
Players will help Ninny overcome her fears and regain her visibility in a captivating storyline unfolding weekly. The experience transforms players into butterflies, guiding Ninny through a monochrome world that gradually bursts into vibrant color as progress is made.
Meet iconic Moomin characters like Moomintroll and Snufkin, and adorn your Sky child with charming Moomin-themed outfits, capes, hairstyles, and musical instruments. Limited-time accessories, including Moomintroll ears and tail and Snufkin's attire, add to the collectible fun.
[Video Embed Placeholder: Replace with embedded YouTube video of "Sky x Moomin: Rediscover the story of The Invisible Child"]
To begin your Moomin adventure, locate the Moomin Storybook near the Vault of Knowledge. New players may need to progress to the Hidden Forest. Download Sky: Children of the Light from the Google Play Store and dive into this magical collaboration.