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How To Get All Northern Expedition Rods In Fisch

Authore: AvaUpdate:Mar 18,2025

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Fisch boasts a wide array of rods, constantly expanding with each update. The Northern Expedition update, for instance, introduced six powerful new fishing tools. This guide details how to acquire all of them.

The Northern Expedition introduces a challenging new sea area, the Northern Summit, brimming with valuable loot. However, obtaining these rods isn't always straightforward; some are readily available, while others require completing intricate quests.

All Northern Expedition Rods In Fisch

The Northern Expedition presents a unique challenge: scaling a treacherous mountain. The harsh weather conditions necessitate an Oxygen Tank and regular warming by fire to survive. Despite the dangers, exploring every nook and cranny is key to finding all the items, including the six Northern Expedition Rods within Fisch.

  1. Arctic Rod
  2. Crystalized Rod
  3. Ice Warpers Rod
  4. Avalanche Rod
  5. Summit Rod
  6. Heaven's Rod

These rods offer a mix of affordability and impressive stats. The mountain's peak even holds one of the game's best rods, though acquiring them all requires more than just simple purchases.

How To Get Arctic Rod In Fisch

Upon reaching the Northern Summit's base camp, you'll find essential climbing equipment for sale. However, a closer inspection reveals the Arctic Rod, conveniently located on one of the supply boxes for a mere 25,000C$. Its stats are surprisingly good for the price.

  • Lure Speed: 45%
  • Luck: 65%
  • Control: 0.18
  • Resilience: 15%
  • Max Kg: 80,000kg

How To Get Crystalized Rod In Fisch

Unlike the Arctic Rod, obtaining the Crystalized Rod involves a short quest. First, catch two Glass Diamonds, a Mythical fish found in the Frigid Cavern or Overgrowth Caves.

Next, find a fellow player and bring them to the Crystalized Rod, encased in ice within some ruins between the second and third camps. The ruins are easily spotted.

Here, two players must stand on the pressure plates, each holding a Glass Diamond. This melts the ice, unlocking the Crystalized Rod for purchase at 35,000C$.

  • Lure Speed: 35%
  • Luck: 45%
  • Control: 0.15
  • Resilience: 15%
  • Max Kg: 25,000kg
  • Ability: Chance of catching fish with a Crystalized mutation.

How To Get Ice Warpers Rod In Fisch

The Ice Warpers Rod offers excellent value for its relatively low price. However, obtaining it requires exploring nearly the entire mountain, as it only appears after activating all the levers.

These ice-covered levers are hidden throughout the area. Your lantern can melt the ice; simply stand near them for a few seconds. Here are their coordinates:

  1. X:19879 Y:425 Z:5383
  2. X:19853 Y:476 Z:4971
  3. X:19601 Y:544 Z:5605
  4. X:19440 Y:690 Z:5853
  5. X:20191 Y:855 Z:5648
  6. X:19873 Y:629 Z:5369

Note: The levers can be activated in any order except the last one. The final coordinates mark both the last lever and the Ice Warpers Rod's location, appearing only after activating the other five. After completing this lever puzzle, purchase the Ice Warpers Rod for 65,000C$.

  • Lure Speed: 50%
  • Luck: 60%
  • Control: 0.15
  • Resilience: 20%
  • Max Kg: 75,000kg

How To Get Avalanche Rod In Fisch

Similar to the Arctic Rod, the Avalanche Rod is available for purchase at a camp, but this one requires reaching the third camp higher up the mountain. Here, you'll also find a useful Pickaxe, alongside the Avalanche Rod, priced at 35,000C$.

  • Lure Speed: 40%
  • Luck: 68%
  • Control: 0.15
  • Resilience: 10%
  • Max Kg: 65,000kg

How To Get Summit Rod In Fisch

As you ascend the Northern Expedition's mountain, you'll reach the Cryogenic Canals. In this Fisch location, you can purchase the Intermediate Oxygen Tank and the Summit Rod for 300,000C$. Despite its high price, its effectiveness is less impressive than other Northern Expedition Rods, particularly without enchantments.

  • Lure Speed: 15%
  • Luck: 75%
  • Control: 0.25
  • Resilience: 15%
  • Max Kg: 200,000kg

How To Get Heaven's Rod In Fisch

Heaven's Rod is the most expensive and challenging rod to obtain. However, its exceptional stats and ability are worth the effort. Here's the process:

  1. Locate three Energy Crystals on the mountain.
  2. Speak to the NPC at the Glacial Grotto and find all the buttons located on Moosewood Island, Roslit Bay, Forsaken Shores, Snowcap Island, and Ancient Isle.
  3. Return to the NPC to receive the final, Red Energy Crystal.
  4. Use the Crystals to solve the puzzle at the Glacial Grotto.

Only then can you purchase Heaven's Rod for 1,750,000C$.

  • Lure Speed: 27%
  • Luck: 225%
  • Control: 0.2
  • Resilience: 30%
  • Max Kg: Infinite
  • Ability: Chance of catching fish with a Heavenly mutation.