Riichi City and Danganronpa have teamed up for an exciting month-long collaboration, plunging players into a thrilling mystery. The Riichi City crew awakens with amnesia, trapped in a perplexing situation, relying on their mahjong skills and wits to escape. This July event features a unique rhythm-based minigame, "Mahjong Machine Gun," where players battle the iconic Monokuma by smashing tiles. A captivating story unfolds, involving an unfinished mahjong game and the need to gather "Truth Bullets" to unravel the mystery. Daily login rewards await those who participate for seven days.
A stellar cast of Danganronpa characters, including Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Celestia Ludenberg, and Junko Enoshima, join the fray. Each character showcases their personality through unique minigame interactions, with Celestia's extravagant wagers and Junko's relish for the chaos adding to the intrigue.
The collaboration also introduces two distinct swimsuit outfits for each character, adding a summery flair to the event. Makoto's relaxed "Summer in the South" and adventurous "Underwater World" outfits contrast with Kyoko's playful "Summer in the South: Tranquil Shallows" attire. Celestia's glamorous "Queen of the Sands" and Enoshima's chaotic "Party Time" swimsuits further highlight their personalities.
While the specifics of the minigame remain a surprise, players can expect rewards and bonus items. Download Riichi City from the Google Play Store and prepare for a captivating blend of mahjong, mystery, and Danganronpa's signature flair. Don't forget to check out the latest news on the NIKKE and Dave the Diver collaboration!