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Street Fighter 6: Mai Shiranui Gameplay Revealed

Authore: JonathanUpdate:Mar 13,2025

Street Fighter 6: Mai Shiranui Gameplay Revealed

Nina Williams, Chun-Li, and Mai Shiranui—three iconic female fighting game characters that instantly spring to mind. While we saw Nina and Chun-Li clash in Street Fighter x Tekken, a rematch isn't on the immediate horizon.

However, Mai Shiranui's arrival as a guest character in Street Fighter 6 is a different story. It's no coincidence that her gameplay trailer features a showdown against Chun-Li.

Her signature moves are all present, her Super looks incredible, and Mai is poised to become a very popular addition to Street Fighter 6's roster. Unfortunately, fans will need to exercise a little patience; Capcom has set the release date for February 5th.

That means a three-week wait. Hopefully, the Street Fighter 6 team will keep us entertained with additional content in the meantime.