>  訊息 >  命運 2:如何獲得殺手男爵頭銜

命運 2:如何獲得殺手男爵頭銜

Authore: Isaac更新:Jan 23,2025

《命運 2》中的殺手男爵頭銜是通過完成《荒野獵人》中的所有勝利來獲得的。 雖然通常比其他遊戲更容易,但有些挑戰即使對於經驗豐富的玩家來說也是一個重大障礙。 本指南詳細介紹了所有 16 項必需的勝利。

Slayer Baron Triumphs

所有《殺手男爵》的勝利都與《荒野獵人》第 3 章一起發布。盡管該集將於 2 月 4 日結束,但該頭銜在下一個《命運 2》資料片之前仍然可以獲得。


Triumph Description
Rise and Fallen Complete all Episode Revenant Act quests.
Obtain Shadestalker Armor Set Acquire all pieces of the Shadestalker seasonal armor set.
Earn Fair Judgment Auto Rifle Obtain the Fair Judgment Auto Rifle from the Ritual Playlist.
Defender of the Innocent Purchase or upgrade defenses during Onslaught: Salvation matches.
Sabotage Barrage Defeat Saboteurs in Onslaught: Salvation.
Eliksni Defender Complete an Onslaught: Salvation run on Normal difficulty.
Barren Ground Defeat Revenant Barons in Onslaught: Salvation.
Tomb Doomer Defeat four unique bosses in the Tomb of Elders (Machinist, Psion Commander, Lucent Fireteam, Sylock the Defiled).
Vengeance, Denied Complete Kell's Vengeance in the Contest of Elders.
Tomb-Runner Complete Tomb of Elders laps.
Kellmaker Complete the Kell's Fall exotic mission.
Legendary Slayer Complete Kell's Fall on Expert difficulty.
Sharpened Fang Obtain all four Slayer's Fang exotic shotgun catalysts.
Modern Major General Complete three Major Fieldworks.
Medicinal Master Craft 100 Tonics.
Cordial Collector Complete any Tonic collection.

雖然大多數勝利都很簡單,但“傳奇殺手”(完成凱爾對專家的摔倒)提出了更大的挑戰,需要一支協調良好的火力小組。 一些勝利,例如“荒原”,需要在《猛攻:拯救》中投入大量的遊戲時間。 同樣,“醫藥大師”和“親切收藏家”如果尚未完成,則需要大量的補品製作。 請注意,這些勝利是在《荒野獵人》中逐步發布的。