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DOOM: The Dark Ages Introduces Demon Aggression Settings

Authore: RyanUpdate:Mar 27,2025

The goal of the shooter's development is to make it as widely accessible as possible. Compared to earlier id Software projects, DOOM: The Dark Ages will offer a great deal more customization. The studio wanted to make the game accessible to as many people as possible, said executive producer Marty Stratton.

In addition to altering the enemies' difficulty and damage, players will also be able to change the projectiles' speed, the amount of damage they take, and other elements like the game's tempo, aggression level, and parry time.

Stratton also promised that the plots of DOOM: The Dark Ages and DOOM: Eternal can be understood without having played DOOM: The Dark Ages.

Doom Dark Ages settingsImage: reddit.com

This time, DOOM is back, and Slayer is heading into the dark ages. id Software formally unveiled DOOM: The Dark Ages at Xbox Developer_Direct, showcasing dynamic gameplay and revealing a May 15 release date. The game's potent idTech8 engine promises to raise the bar for performance and graphics.

Ray tracing was used by the developers to add more brutality and destruction, as well as realistic shadows and dynamic lighting. The studio pre-released the minimum, suggested, and ultra settings so that players could get ready.