World of Warcraft's upcoming housing feature, a first for the MMO, is designed to avoid the pitfalls of other games' implementations, notably Final Fantasy XIV. Blizzard has outlined its approach in a recent developer blog, emphasizing accessibility and player convenience.
The core concept is straightforward: players can acquire and personalize homes within the game world, allowing for visits from other players. This contrasts sharply with Final Fantasy XIV's system, known for its limited plots, expensive Gil costs, lottery system, and the risk of demolition for inactivity. World of Warcraft aims to provide "A Home for Everyone," removing exorbitant costs, lotteries, and onerous upkeep. Even if a subscription lapses, the house remains secure.
This sought-after feature, arriving in the World of Warcraft: Midnight expansion, will be shared amongst a player's Warband, allowing access for all characters regardless of faction. While a Human character can't purchase a house in Horde territory, a Warband member's Troll character can, granting access to the Human player.
While the number of housing zones will be limited (two), each will contain "Neighborhoods" of approximately 50 instanced plots, offering both public and private options. Public areas are dynamically generated as needed, eliminating a fixed plot limit.
Blizzard's commitment to player housing extends beyond the initial launch. They envision a "long-lasting journey," with ongoing updates and additions planned for future patches and expansions. This long-term vision, while acknowledging the issues faced by other MMOs, suggests a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to integrating this highly anticipated feature. More details are expected this summer with the full unveiling of World of Warcraft: Midnight.